Update 09/02/2019 8:58pm:

Malik Yoba has been the topic of discussion after revealing that he is attracted to transwomen. Yoba's revelation came on the hills of the tragic story where a Philadelphia man committed suicide after being shamed for his relationship with a transwoman. Yoba spoke about the praise he's received as well as the negative backlash as a result of speaking his truth. He also took the opportunity to plug a march happening in DC that seeks to bring awareness to the trans experience. 

Original 09/01/2019 11:36am:

Recently, a story surfaced of a Philadelphia man who committed suicide after he was shamed in a viral video where he defended his relationship with a trans woman. Many addressed the situation, including Malik Yoba, who also noted he is learning what it means to be attracted to trans people.

Via Instagram, Yoba said β€œTRANS PEOPLE DESERVE LOVE AND RESPECT AS DO THOSE OF US THAT LOVE THEM!! I love ALL women AND count MYSELF among those that find themselves trans attracted and I too have felt the self-imposed shame that comes with that truth but it’s time to speak up. It is NOT about GENITALIA OR SEX but about attraction to the soul and humanity of an individual and often the beauty that is in the courage and conviction to live ones truth! As a self-identified cis heterosexual man I too am learning what it means to be trans attracted. Many of us famous and otherwise that have struggled with accepting our attraction so we do NOTHING. This MUST change.β€œ