Eddie Murphy took some digs at Bill Cosby during his opening monologue during Saturday night's highly anticipated episode of SNL, which saw Murphy returning to the sketch comedy show after 35 years. In his 1987 stand-up comedy film Raw, Murphy spoke about how Cosby called him and "chastised me on the phone about being too dirty on the stage." 

Murphy stated during his SNL monologue, "If you told me 30 years ago that I'd be this boring stay-at-home house dad and Bill Cosby would be in jail, even I wouldn't have took that bet. Who is America’s Dad now?"

Cosby's publicist Andrew Wyatt responded to Murphy, stating, "It is sad that Mr. Murphy would take this glorious moment of returning to SNL and make disparaging remarks against Mr. Cosby. One would think that Mr. Murphy was given his freedom to leave the plantation, so that he could make his own decisions; but he decided to sell himself back to being a Hollywood Slave. Stepin Fetchit plus cooning equals the destruction of Black Men in Hollywood."