Part 13: Matthew Cox: It's Easier to do Mortgage Fraud Today then When I was Doing it
Part 11: Matthew Cox on "Crying Like a Baby" When the Judge Gave Him 26 Years
Part 1: Matthew Cox on Doing Mortgage Fraud, Eventually Frauding $55M


In this clip, Matthew Cox opened up about getting his 26-year sentenced reduced down to 13 years. He explained that he had an inmate that he considered to be "certifiably insane" help him get his sentence reduced, which worked, and Matthew got 7 years taken off. After that, he met a man named Ron Wilson, who was convicted for running a ponzi scheme, admit that he had hid money back before he went to prison. Matt told Ron up front that he wasn't to be trusted with information, and Matthew gave the information about the hidden money to his lawyer. From there, he had the U.S. Attorney's office write an official letter stating to reduce his sentence, which was taken down 5 more years.

After his release, Matthew admits that none of the things he did in his past were worth the 13 years that he spent in prison. He also stated that he feels remorse for frauding individuals, but he doesn't feel like he greatly contributed to the 2008 financial crisis. To hear more, including developing books and movies from stories told by his fellow inmates, hit the above clip.

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