Protests continue to engulf the streets of American cities as the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police serves as a rallying cry for longstanding discontent with law enforcement. Residents in Atlanta have taken to the streets to call out police brutality and honor the memory of George Floyd. During the demonstration, protesters chanted in front of the CNN building, and other buildings vandalized. 

The police clashed with protesters throughout the afternoon leading to the eventual burning of a police squad car. In a statement to local Fox affiliate FOX 5, the Atlanta Police Department said: "Officers have been subjected to water bottles, eggs, and other items being thrown at them. However, we remain hopeful this activity will cease and there will be no need for further arrests or clashes with protestors." Another group of protesters successfully stopped traffic on the interstate but was later broken up by the heavy police presence deployed upon them in return. 

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said in a statement: 

"When lives and the conscience of this nation are at peril, we as a people are expected to exercise our Constitutional rights to peacefully assemble and have our voices heard. Atlanta embodies these values, and I encourage all who exercise these rights to remember Atlanta's legacy of peaceful protest leading to progress." 
