D.C. Mayor and recent VladTV guest Muriel Bowser recently had a “Black Lives Matter” mural painted in large yellow letters across 16th Street, which is located near the White House. Now, a lawsuit has been filed against the mayor, saying she allegedly violated the first amendment.

The lawsuit was filed by a pastor named Rich Penkoski, who is also the leader of the D.C. chapter of the Warriors for Christ. Penkoski said that the ‘Black Lives Matter Plaza’ was created to “pay respect to the Black Lives Matter liturgy at the taxpayers' expense.”

The lawsuit is claiming that Bowser violated the establishment clause, which prohibits the government from passing laws that favor one religion over another. The suit is claiming that Black Lives Matter is a religious group that hosts “public ritualistic atonement ceremonies and incantations.” The lawsuit also described BLM as a “pro-communist group.”

This comes after Black Lives Matter D.C. tweeted that Bowser’s actions don’t match her legislative moves. The group previously tweeted that Bowser “has consistently been on the wrong side of BLMDC history.”

source: Fox 5