Reports surfaced noting that Kentucky has plans of cutting the number of polling places for Tuesday’s upcoming primary from 3700 to 200. It was also noted that there would be one polling place for over 600,000 registered voters in Louisville, Kentucky’s Jefferson County. Half of the state’s black voters reportedly live in Jefferson County. Because of that, LeBron James has taken to Twitter to voice his opinion on the matter.

James retweeted the info about the scaling down of polling places, saying it’s voter suppression. James exclaimed, “Said it last week about GA. This is SYSTEMIC RACISM and OPPRESSION. So angry man.  #BlackLivesMatter #MoreThanaVote"

The change in available polling places is an issue because the lack of polling stations available in black neighborhoods means people will have to travel to other polling stations, which means longer waiting times and frustration because of the wait. As a result, this could lead to many not willing to vote to avoid the hassle. Stay tuned for more details.

source: USA Today