The death of George Floyd found many upset at how the police officers of the Minneapolis Police Department handled the situation, especially after the incident caused mass unrest via protests across the country. Many protesters took to the streets to reveal they weren’t rocking with the injustice against Black people in the United States, and weeks of protests and riots sparked a significant backlash against police, resulting in the Minneapolis City Council considering disbanding the police department. During this time, news surfaced that the Minneapolis Freedom Riders were patrolling areas to protect their community as many were lacking significant trust in the police. The Freedom Riders—mostly comprised of African-American men, have reportedly have been working with cops to advise them on what should be handled when they are needed to avoid any other unfortunate casualties.

The Freedom Riders noted they aren’t looking to replace the cops, but are looking to protect the community. While talking to TMZ, the group said they patrol the northern part of Minneapolis and are licensed to carry handguns. Along with that, they hold weekly meetings to discuss the happenings of the city. The Minneapolis PD has reportedly been asking the group for intel on matters related to white supremacy groups and information on smaller crimes.

The group claims their presence on the street has brought down gun violence and also said they have the support of the Minneapolis chapter of the NAACP. Since then, news surfaced that the Minneapolis City Council approved a measure to disband the Minneapolis police force.