According to reports, an Oklahoma man shot a woman four times in the back after she allegedly took a Nazi flag flying in his yard. Alexander John Feaster, 44, is being charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon and shooting with intent to kill. Garfield County Sheriff Jody Helm said the victim was found in a ditch after being hit with Feater's 5.56mm rifle. 

The official police affidavit reads: 

“A white female, identified as Kyndal, run-up to the residence and pull the Nazi flag down to the west side of the porch. Kyndal took the flag and ran back toward the residence ... I also observed a white male, identified as Alexander Feaster, exit the front door to his residence ... with a large AR platform rifle on a sling and at the ready. [...] Without warning, Feaster opened fire on Kyndal as she was running away from the residence. On the video footage, it appeared that Feaster fired approximately 7-8 shots very rapidly. Several of these rounds striking Kyndal. It is important to note that Kyndal did not appear to be in any way, a threat to Feaster due to her obviously running away from his residence with only a flag in her hand."

Authorities say it's unclear if the woman tried taking the flag as a political statement or as a dare from fellow partygoers. Helm said that Feaster is known in the small town of Hunter for his distasteful politics and said he's been a target of young people trying to steal the banners. 

Feaster is currently being held on a $500,000 bond. 
