Update 09/08/2020 7:02pm:

In a Facebook on Tuesday, Marty Jannetty backtracked on last month's claim that he murdered a man in self-defense as a teen.

"I DID NOT MURDER THAT MAN!!!" Jannetty wrote. "It was just the beginning of a damn wrestling storyline..but OH MY GOD, OMG. Didn't the WORLD buy it??!"

Jannetty explained that he had to drop the storyline, which was supposed to end with a wrestling match against a former corrections officer, once the Columbus Georgia Police Department started investigating his claims.

"The rest of the storyline was to be..my friend Darren Kelly, who really was a correction officer, and GREAT wrestler, but disgruntled as hell so walked away from that job," Jannetty said. "He was to redeem himself by serving justice on me to earn back his stripes..but..in a match stipulated with..if he wins, he takes me in, in peace..if I win, he leave me alone, in peace..but sadly now, we'll not get to do that storyline."

Source: Complex

Original 08/06/2020 8:22pm:

According to multiple reports, a police investigation is underway after former WWE star Marty Jannetty confessed to a murder. Jannetty shared a post on Facebook where he described being a potential rape victim when he was 13-years-old after trying to buy weed from a guy that worked at the local bowling alley. 

"I was 13, working at Victory Lanes bowling alley buying weed from a f** that worked there ... and he put his hands on me ... he dragged me around the back of the building ... you already know what he was gonna try to do," his post read. "That was the very first time I made a man disappear. They never found him. They shoulda looked in the Chattahoochie River."

The Columbus Police Department in Georgia told TMZ "We are going to look into this." A spokesperson from the department's homicide division told the outlet, "The first step will be seeing if we have any missing persons or unidentified remains cases that match the limited information in the post." Despite the attention, Jannetty's case isn't a top priority for Columbus police as they have "several current active homicide investigations underway and they will have to remain the priority." That makes sense considering that Jannetty, now 60-year-olds, would've had to commit this murder in the early 1970s. 

Jannetty elaborated on his post during an interview with the Boston Wrestling Sports show on Wednesday night and gave disturbing details about how everything went down. "I can't say he deserved to die, but he deserved to get his a** beat," Jannetty said. "And, when I was beating him in the head with a brick, I was only trying to beat his a**, I wasn't trying to kill him." 

The former wrestler said that after the man attempted to rape him and was subsequently beaten to death, Jannetty described disposing of the body. "Can you imagine dragging a guy -- he's just tried to f*** you in the a** --- can you imagine dragging him to the river and throwing him in? And, then finding out on the news the dude's missing. You know the dude. And, you know more than that. That affected me bad, bro."

Source: tmz.com