Recently, video footage of an incident involving Cardi B’s sister and her girlfriend, who dealt with racists while at the beach. Cardi B ended up exposing the racists who wore MAGA hats and yelled “Trump” at them, creating a scene over a parking space.

The racist people in question—Peter and Pauline Caliendo, and Manuel Alarcon, have reportedly filed a lawsuit against Cardi B and Hennessy Carolina for defamation. Court documents noted the Caliendos said they were at Smith Point beach enjoying themselves when Hennessy approached them and began spitting, threatening, and insulting them because they were wearing MAGA hats.

The video that Cardi B posted showed the Caliendos calling Hennessy and her girlfriend Michelle Diaz out of their name and harassing the couple because they are a gay couple. Caliendo is claiming Cardi B edited the video and posted the video on social media to make them look like racists. Stay tuned for more details in this situation.

source: TMZ