Update 10/28/2020 8:58am:

U.S. District Judge Philip P. Simon sentenced Jeremiah Shane Farmer, 39, who attacked R. Kelly at the downtown Metropolitan Correctional Center earlier this year, to life in prison. Simon was sentenced to the brutal 1999 murder of Marion Lowry, 74, and Harvey Siegers, 67. The two men were beaten to death with a hammer at their Hammond, IL business, Calumet Auto Rebuilders.

Prosecutors stated that "It is virtually impossible to exaggerate or oversell the depraved nature of Farmer’s crimes," in a 7-page memo. They also detailed Farmer shooting a woman twice because she wouldn't stop selling drugs in a certain neighborhood. The woman survived and identified Farmer, who took off his mask before shooting her a second time, which Assistant U.S. Attorney David J. Nozick believes is "because he believed that she was going to die from the gunshots, and wanted his face to be the last thing that she saw." 

Court records show Farmer pleaded with Judge Simon, telling him, "Please give me justice sir, please. Just give me a second chance and I will be a success story and (the) first thing I will do (is) get all my gang tattoos removed. I look like a(n) animal with all my face tattoos but I’m no animal." 

When it comes to his attack on Kelly, Farmer did it "in hopes of getting spotlight attention and world news notice to shed light on" alleged government corruption. Farmer was reportedly moved to a separate detention facility in Michigan after the attack, but prison records listed him as being back in Chicago’s MCC on Tuesday (October 27).

Source: Chicago Sun-Times

Original 10/18/2020 12:32pm:

The issues that R. Kelly has faced while being in jail continue to be told through his lawyers, who are now saying Kelly was beaten while locked up, and no one in the facility where he’s being held even “raised a finger” to stop the attack from going down.

Legal documents filed by Kelly’s lawyers this past Friday say surveillance footage from the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago shows that one inmate “roamed a great distance ... before carrying out that act, without any opposition.” As a result of the inmate being able to roam, Kelly received “significant physical and psychological injuries.”

Michael Leonard, one of Kelly’s lawyers said, “An unresolved issue remains as to whether MCC personnel encouraged, and then allowed, a beating of Mr. Kelly to take place. That alone merits an evidentiary hearing." Stay tuned for more details.

Source: CNN