27-year-old Deonte Hicks of Dallas was killed while standing outside of his car in May after arranging to meet up with a woman in Houston that he met online. Police recently revealed that they believe Hicks was being catfished, and his family spoke out and believe Hicks was lured to the location where he was shot and killed. 

No arrests have been made in the case, but two unknown Black male suspects were seen fleeing on foot "in an unknown direction of travel" after the shooting. Hicks' aunt, Tamara Peterson, stated that she doesn't believe that police are doing enough to find the suspects, as she told ABC13, "It has not been a top priority. My family and I, we've gone to Houston headquarters to talk to detectives. I've called a million times. Nothing has been done. I've been passed off to the next person. I've been given the runaround. Nothing done." 

Source: People