Full Interview: Bert Kriescher on Tracy Morgan, Will Smith, Kevin Hart, "The Machine" (Full)
Part #14: Bert Kreischer: Fred Savage Got Mad at Me for Saying His Dad is Randy Savage
Part #12: Bert Kreischer on Vacationing with Rachael Ray, Living with Patrice O'Neal
Part #1: Bert Kreischer on Being a "Florida Man", Impersonates DMX Pulling Over a Cop
In this clip, Bert Kreischer reacts to the viral video of comedian Doug Williams being heckled by Jamie Foxx at the Emmitt Smith roast. Bert revealed that he has seen the clip of Doug being roasted a lot of times, and he started out by saying that everyone was going to acknowledge that Doug was bombing his set. However, Bert pointed out that Jamie was making fun of his worth as a comedian, and he stated that bombing is already bad enough. To hear more, including Bert pointing out that Jeff Ross killed his set, hit the above clip.