Twista posted a viral meme comparing Gabourey Sidibe and Bernice Burgos on his Instagram page on Tuesday. The meme labeled the award-winning actress as option "A" and offered "make $30 [an] hour, own house, own Car, and no kids," while the Instagram model was labeled option "B" and provided "No Job, staying couch 2 couch, no car, 12k followers on it, 3 kids 3 bds."

Once Twista posted the meme with a caption that read, "Who y'all choosing A or B," Sidibe responded to the rapper in the comments section.

"Wow. I um.... gee," she wrote. "@twistagmg I only like you as a rapper I forgot about in 2005. But good luck with option B!"

Twista deleted the post after the actress's response was reposted across social media and issued an apology for sharing the meme. According to The Shade Room, the Chicago rapper called the post "an honest mistake" and wasn't trying to cause any harm.

Gabourey Sidibe has not publicly responded to the rapper's apology.