Full Interview: TK Kirkland on Tense Moment w/ Tyson, Boosie, Drake, 2Pac, Lil Wayne, Von (Full)
Part #24: TK Kirkland: Robin Harris was My Comedy Mentor, Sad He Died at 36
Part #1: TK Kirkland on Tense Moment w/ Tyson, Backing Off So Mike Wouldn't Snap


In this clip, TK Kirkland shares his thoughts on people scamming government loans and flexing with luxury goods online. He warned people about making large purchases with illegal money, and TK added that the scammers always get caught. TK then spoke about people not respecting money anymore, and he later added that people who are more discreet with their illegal funds might have a better outcome. To hear more, including TK speak about success always having enemies, hit the above clip.