Previously, Von Miller’s ex-fiancée Megan Denise took to Instagram to reveal some private messages related to her and Miller’s relationship. In those messages, the woman showed a screenshot where the Denver Broncos player allegedly told Megan Denise he was “praying for a miscarriage.” Along with that, there were allegations of abuse. Now, Megan Denise has issued a statement via Instagram to address the rumors and clear the air.

Via IG, Megan Denise said “In light of recent media reports regarding my relationship with Von, I feel that I need to address a couple of things. First and foremost, at no point in our relationship was there any type of physical abuse or violence by Von whatsoever. For anyone to say otherwise, or to speculate such, is wrong."

Megan Denise continued on saying “With regards to my social media posts, a part was misconstrued and taken out of context. I do regret making a private situation public, and in doing so, bringing unwanted attention to both Von and myself. Von and I are excited to be welcoming our baby into the world, and are committed to raising our child with love and compassion, together as a family. Sincerely, Megan Denise." News of this comes after it was revealed that the Denver Broncos were working to get more information on the matter.

source: Sports Illustrated