Part 9: Don Frye Calls Zab Judah a DumbA** for Saying Boxing is More Skilled than MMA
Part 7: Dan Severn: I'll Come Out of Retirement for Coleman, Shamrock or Gracie
Part 1: Dan Severn & Don Frye: We Love Toxic Masculinity, America's Gotten Feminized


In the latest clip, Dan Severn and Don Frye explained why they never fought each other professionally, as well as the Gracie Family's impact on martial arts. Severn also elaborated on his comments about professional wrestling having the highest death rate of all professions due to the cycle of drug use. Severn added that he's outlived 30 of his professional wrestling peers, who all were younger than him. He also called WWE Chairman Vince McMahon a hypocrite for his own alleged PED use and said the businessman will turn a blind eye as long as he's making money.