Conservative finance advisor and radio show host Dave Ramsey appeared on Fox News Thursday, where he was asked what level of relief Americans should receive in the next COVID-19 bill, as well as his thoughts on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's request for the Biden administration to aggressively address the student loan crisis.
Ramsey dismissed claims that cancelling student debt would stimulate the economy, calling it "economic hogwash." He agreed with host Bill Hemmer's statement that cancelling student loans is a "moral hazard" and that former or current students have an obligation to pay the money back.
Ramsey acknowledged that the student loan program has destroyed lives but accused progressives of not really trying to help people by completely or partially cancelling student loans and further added that the idea "is a political gimme by progressives simply trying to buy votes."
When asked about the proper dollar amount American citizens should receive in pandemic relief, Ramsey said he didn't believe Americans should get a stimulus check at all.
"I don't believe in a stimulus check," Ramsey responded. "Because if $600 or $1,400 changes your life, you were pretty much screwed already. You've got other issues going on. You have a career problem, you have a debt problem, you have a relationship problem, you have a mental health problem, something else is going on if $600 changes your life. And that's not talking down to folks. I've been bankrupt, I've been broke and I work with people every day who are hurting. I love people. I want people to be lifted up."