Part 14: Charleston White Sat w/ Nipsey's Family at Funeral: They Knew Ermias Not Nipsey
Part 12: Charleston White: Mo3 Talked to God While Running from His Killer, I Cried
Part 1: Charleston White on Brother Saying He Wanted to Kill as a Kid, Getting 99 Years
In this clip, Charleston White opened up about making remarks about Yella Beezy despite not realizing that he knew Yella Beezy's father. Charleston explained that he feels like Yella Beezy is trying to live up to who he thinks is father is, and he added that Yella Beezy is like other good kids that are making bad decisions. Moving along, Charleston pointed out that despite Mo3 being tragically killed in Dallas, there was no rally or media outlets commemorating his death. He then explained why he thinks Mo3 "worked hard to get killed," and stated that his songs have some truth to them. To hear more, including Charleston speaking about other rappers being killed, hit the above clip.