A Philadelphia man is in custody after video footage surfaced of a dirt bike rider assaulting a driver and then pulling out a gun after a car accident in South Philadelphia.

On Tuesday evening, a 25-year-old man was driving behind several dirt bikes and quads with his 13-year-old brother when one of the bikes stopped abruptly and caused the man to hit one of the bikes. The victim said when he got out of the car to make sure the bike rider wasn't hurt, the bike rider became hostile and demanded payment for damages to his vehicle.

According to police, the dirt bike rider began attacking the victim as other riders surrounded his car. Although he managed to get back into his car, the bike riders began vandalizing his car by throwing garbage, bricks, and cinder blocks. During the attack, the dirt bike rider took out a gun and walked toward the victim's car until someone else stopped him. 

The victim ended up suffering minor injuries from the assault and broken glass.

On Friday, the suspect was identified as 27-year-old Gregory Stevens, who is on parole for a 2014 robbery. The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office announced a number of charges against Stevens for Tuesday's incident. Stevens was also charged for a February incident, where he allegedly shot a pharmacist.

"Stevens is alleged to have wielded a firearm and demanded 'Oxys' from the pharmacist," the DA's office said. "During a struggle that ensued, Stevens' gun fired and a bullet struck the pharmacist in the chest. Stevens is further alleged to have pointed his gun at the pharmacist's head before fleeing the store and getting into the passenger side of a running white sedan."

As a result of Tuesday's incident, Stevens was charged with aggravated assault, harassment, criminal mischief, and related counts. Stevens has also been charged with attempted murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and other counts as a result of the February shooting.

Source: NBC Philadelphia