Part 13: Mystikal: Snoop Helped Me Out After I Did 6 Years, 20 Years Since Last Album
Part 11: Mystikal: Baby Signing Me Wasn't About Music, He Saved My Life Before I Fell Off
Part 1: Mystikal on Doing "Suicide Jobs" in Gulf War, Signing 1st Record Deal for $500
In this clip, Mystikal opened up about dropping "Just A Lil' Thick" with Lil Dicky and Trinidad Jamesi n 2016. He explained that they had so much fun making the project that they nearly started a group together, which Mystikal says was stopped by another "dark cloud." He then detailed his charges being dropped against him at the end of 2020, and Mystikal said he was scared because that doesn't normally happen. To hear more, hit the above clip.
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