Despite the COVID-19 pandemic still very much being present in the United States, people have still been gathering in places that have fewer restrictions. Miami has been a destination for many to make their way to, and after an influx of crowds on South Beach, the Mayor has decided to declare a state of emergency.

Mayor Dan Gelber recently announced that a state of emergency was being declared and that an 8 PM curfew was being enforced for Saturday night. Along with that, police have been telling tourists to stay in their hotels while curfew hours are in place.

Gelber spoke to CNN and said, “Too many are coming, really, without the intention of following the rules, and the result has been a level of chaos and disorder that is just something more than we can endure.” As of now, the curfew is set to be in place until Tuesday. The roads leading to Miami Beach from the mainland will be closed at 9 PM for the following days.

source: CNN