Previously, actor Kaalan Walker took to the internet to make claims related to him and Kehlani and an alleged child that was aborted. Walker said, “Of course, my heart is broke from how you handled the situation with our child Kehlani… I wish you would have told me the truth instead of lying to me and aborting our child without me knowing."

Since then, Kehlani responded in now-deleted tweets, calling all the things Walker said “blatant lies.” Kehlani said, “People are very aware of my following, and the eyes on me. Over the years i’ve watched people make up so many things to get a reaction out of me, to get eyes on them. i’m not making a single lie, or obsessed liar poppin."

Although she didn’t mention Walker by name, the tweets she fired off were related to his IG comments. She continued on saying, “people BEG me to speak on lies made up on me. people will call my phone and say aren’t you going to say something. truths might make me wanna have a back and forth. blatant lies? have fun in your fantasy land it’s nothing I could say to control your crazy. it’s above me." Take a look above.