Part 11: Bandman Kevo on Making $600K/Month Giving Financial Advice on OnlyFans
Part 9: Bandman Kevo on Making $170K Selling Financial Classes While in Prison
Part 1: Bandman Kevo on Growing Up Poor in Chicago, Watching Friends Join Gangs


In this clip, Bandman Kevo opened up about getting out of prison after doing 3 years total for his federal scamming case. He explained that he got time added to his sentence when he was caught with a cellphone in prison. Bandman Kevo went on to speak baout how he was hopeful for his future when he was released, and he added that he made it his mission to go harder with making money legally in the future. When asked about going back to scamming when he was released, Bandman Kevo stated that he didn't want to pick it back up because he saw how easy it was to go in prison, which you can hear more about above.