The drama surrounding Minnesota Timberwolves wingman Malik Beasley continues to pile on. Just after news broke that he and his fling Larsa Pippen have split, his ex-wife Montana Yao has come forward to speak out against the treatment she endured. 

Montana took to Instagram where she called out her ex and his followers for painting her as the "bad guy." She shared a headline from a story about the paternity status of their son together and wrote, "Makai and I have been put thru HELL and the utmost embarrassment purposely and for no reason, for so long and for too long." 

"Him, his parents, and his team have tried so hard to make me out to be the 'bad guy' and everything I am not in the media just to defame me and my reputation and to cover and project his own bad behavior onto me. I will continue to remain the woman I am and let the truth reveal itself," she continued. 

She also noted the "Asian Hate" that was present within the family directed toward 2-year-old Makai. "'Ramen noodle' 'Buddha' 'Ching chang Chong' I tried to play along and embrace it while we were together like it didn't hurt or effect me but it did and it's straight up wrong." 

"I wanted to us to be a family. I loved my ex and I love my son and wanted a family unit because I grew up with one," she remarked. 
