Part 5: Boskoe100 on Being Undercard to Jake Paul vs Askren, Vlad Asks if KO Rigged
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Part 3: Boskoe Got "Rosemoe700 Flashbacks" When Gonzoe Ran Up on Him
Part 1: Boskoe100 on Beef with Gonzoe that Led Up to Their Celebrity Boxing Match
In the latest clip, Boskoe100 revealed that Gonzoe asked him to have DJ Vlad unblock him on social media. The two then discussed Vlad's failed attempt at squashing the beef between Boskoe and Daz. Boskoe said he told Snoop Dogg to arrange a boxing match between him and Daz but expressed more interest in fighting Gillie Da Kid. To hear Boskoe explain his beef with Daz in more detail, check out the above clip.