A woman in Berkeley, California, was recently arrested after she called the police on a Black delivery man, who she also threatened.

The incident was caught on tape, and the woman could be heard yelling racial slurs at the man in question. The delivery driver—Kendall McIntosh, noted he was glad that the incident was caught on camera, saying, “I was scared I didn't know how it was going to run out, so I thought the best thing to do was leave the situation.” As McIntosh pulled up on the street she was on, the woman reportedly said “Who the f**k do you think you are? Who do you think you are driving down my street like this?"

35-year-old Julie Walrand was arrested and charged with false imprisonment, battery, and threatening a person based on perceived characteristics. It was noted that Walrand was released the day after being arrested, according to Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley.

source: KTVU