A 31-year-old man named Nijeer Parks reportedly walked into the Woodbridge Police Department to clear his name after being notified by his grandmother that the police in Woodbridge came looking for him at her apartment. In the past, Parks had issues with the law but changed his tune after being released from prison, working as a carpenter. However, when going in to clear his name from a crime he didn’t commit, Parks was arrested for a massive amount of crimes he didn’t commit.
The charges reportedly included: “aggravated assault, unlawful possession of weapons, using a fake ID, possession of marijuana, shoplifting, leaving the scene of a crime, resisting arrest.” Parks was also accused of nearly hitting a police officer with a car, according to CNN. After spending 11 days in jail, Parks learned about the alleged evidence against him after being released.
It was noted in a police report that the “evidence” against Parks was a “high profile comparison” from a facial recognition scan of a photo that came from a fake ID left at the crime scene. The incorrect facial recognition reportedly was enough for a judge and prosecutors to approve his arrest. Despite the recognition, Parks had a solid alibi and proved that he was at a Western Union 30 miles away from the scene, where he was trying to send money to his fianceé. Although he had a tracking number that proved his story to be true, it took almost a year for charges against the man to be dropped. Take a look above.
source: CNN