Charleston White was engaged in a heated back-and-forth with Asian crips in northern California over their use of the n-word. A week after the incident, Vince Staples was dragged into the topic when attempting to engage with Twitter followers over the NBA playoffs.

The Long Beach rapper was taking a poll of what makes a player clutch when former blogger DDot Omen responded with a video of Asian crips saying the n-word and wrote, "Why you letting Asians crips say n****?"

"I don’t know nobody in this video but if you got a problem I can take you over there right now and you can speak yo mind," Vince Staples responded before adding, "I don't know what's more egregious cuh thinking all crips know each others and get along or cuh thinking Long Beach is near Sacramento."

When more followers started challenging him on the subject, the rapper brought up the lack of outrage over Jackie Chan's use of the n-word in Rush Hour.

"Where was all y'all when Jackie Chan said n**** in Rush Hour?! I was at the march by myself," Staples wrote.

Take a look above to view the rest of Vince Staples' responses.