Part 14: Faizon Love on Judge Giving AR-Ab 45 Years for "Bad Attitude" in Court
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Part 12: Faizon Love: Bill Cosby would be Cancelled Today for Hoes in Bible Joke
Part 1: Faizon Love: Floyd Mayweather HAS to Beat Logan Paul, Logan's a Chump
In the latest clip, Faizon Love reacted to DJ Vlad's interviews with Bill Cosby's lawyer Tom Mesereau and the private investigator on the case, Scott Ross. The comedian agreed with Mesereau calling the trail the most unfair he's been apart of and added that Cosby's words were taken out of context. He also supported Cosby's wife writing a negative letter to the judge prior to sentencing. To hear why Faizon Love supports her decision, check out the above clip.