An Ohio police chief recently faced backlash after he was caught on camera putting a KKK note on the desk of a Black officer. The note the chief made was placed on top of a hooded yellow jacket.

Police chief Anthony Campo reportedly printed out “Ku Klux Klan” using the police station’s photocopier, put the term on a yellow raincoat, and folded the coat to look like one of the Klan’s infamous hoods. The entire incident was caught on camera, and Campo was called out for it. However, Campo claimed that his gesture was a “prank,” one that caught the attention of the Mayor of Sheffield, Ohio.

Mayor Dennis Bring was reportedly notified of the KKK situation by a union that represents the local police, and Campo was put on administrative leave immediately as a result.

Bring issued a statement on the situation during an interview, saying “He thought this was just a joke. How can you possibly think that you can put something on somebody’s jacket like that, and especially if they were African American, and think this is a joke? This is the most egregious and offensive thing you could possibly do. And it’s embarrassing and disgusting."

Following being placed on administrative leave, Campo apparently opted to retire from the Sheffield Lake Police Department after being with the force for 33 years.
