Diddy took to Instagram to share some inspiration on Tuesday (July 6), where he shared a story about his inspiration to be successful. 

In the video, Diddy told viewers, "You could do it. You could be whoever you want. You could be eating mango too, with the ocean as your backdrop. I ain’t special. I just want it. I want it bad, you feel me? I won’t allow myself to not have mango. I hustle hard." 

The caption also explained where he got his motivation, as Diddy wrote, "One day when I was growing up, I woke up and there was 15 roaches on my face. At that moment I said hell no, I refuse to live like this. Work hard, believe in your crazy dreams…AND NEVER SETTLE!" 

It was the "15 roaches" part of the story that went viral on social media, with people sharing gifs, memes, and jokes. You can check out the full video above.