According to reports, an Oklahoma woman was charged with second-degree murder after allegedly killing her husband with an ATV at a campground after an argument over food led to the husband asking for a divorce.

Christian Cornett, Christopher Lewis’ son, told reporters a fight between his father and stepmother began over food but quickly escalated. “He had told her he wanted a divorce, and she made a statement that she was going to run over him and kill him,” said Pottawatomie County Undersheriff J.T. Palmer.

Authorities say this exchange enraged Chanelle Lewis, 35, who hopped on the ATV and gunned for her husband. “First one that we’ve ever had where somebody intentionally ran somebody over,” said Palmer.

A frantic 911 caller told the dispatcher, “That little girl was screaming saying her dad was dead!” and, “Somebody ran her dad over and said he was dead out on one of our trails.”

The undersheriff also noted that alcohol was involved. 
