According to reports and video footage that surfaced, two police officers in Atlanta were caught on camera kicking a handcuffed woman in the head, resulting in her being injured. The incident has become widespread, resulting in the officers being immediately relieved of active duty.
The Atlanta Police Department have not shared the names of the officers, but it was noted that one officer was a sergeant. The video shows a woman lying on the ground cuffed, who attempted to look up at the cops. Once she looked up, an officer kicked her in the head, which led her to fall back to the ground. Another female cop stood to the side and watched while the incident went down.
The Atlanta Police Department spoke on the matter, saying: “The decision was made to immediately relieve the sergeant and the officer from duty and place the sergeant on unpaid suspension. The Atlanta Police Department’s Office of Professional Standards (OPS) was directed to open an investigation into the actions of all employees on-scene, and their investigation is to be expedited."
source: AJC