Part 18: Michael Jai White Feels Bill Cosby Bought His Way Out of Prison
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Part 16: Michael Jai White on Tarantino Depicting Bruce Lee Getting Beat Up
Part 1: Michael Jai White & Vlad Agree: Dr. Dre Paying Wife $3.5M a Year is Nothing!
In this clip, Michael Jai White opened up about claims that Bruce Lee didn't have respect for American stuntmen, who he "tagged" by hitting them with his foot during fight scenes. Michael admits that he hasn't seen anyone aside from Steven Seagal really hit stuntmen on set, and Michael added that Seagal hits them "really hard." When speaking about the projects he's done with Seagal, including "Exit Wounds" and "On Deadly Ground," Michael says that Seagal never hit him during their fight scenes. To hear more, hit the above clip.