The release of Lizzo's new single with Cardi B was supposed to be a celebratory occasion, but the release of "Rumors" was bittersweet as the singer received racist and fat-phobic comments related to the song and music video. Speaking to her followers on Instagram Live, Lizzo broke down crying as she reacted to the negative comments she's received.

"Sometimes I feel like the world just don't love me back," Lizzo said. "It's like, it doesn't matter how much positive energy you put into the world. You're still going to have people who have something mean to say about you."

She gave praise to her team and Cardi B for all of the work that went into the new single and noted the positive feedback she's received for "Rumors." However, Lizzo stated that she often doesn't care about the negative comments but her patience can wear thin at times.

"I just feel like I'm seeing negativity directed towards me in the most weirdest way, like, people saying s*** about me that just doesn't even make sense," she continued. "It's fat-phobic and it's racist and it's hurtful."

Lizzo admitted to feeling "overwhelmed" by the response of the single and her career in general. She also addressed people disliking her simply for the way she looks, as well as those who question who her music caters to.

"I'm not making music for White people, I'm not making music for anybody," Lizzo added. "I'm a Black woman making music. I make Black music, period. I'm not serving anyone but myself. Everyone is invited to a Lizzo show, to a Lizzo song, to this good energy. Everyone's invited."

Throughout the remainder of the Live session, Lizzo expressed her gratitude to fans and claimed she will focus on positive feedback and will continue to move forward with her career. Look above to view Lizzo's remarks.