Ice Cube discussed tragic moments from his childhood in a new interview with Graham Bensinger. The rap pioneer talked about his half-sister being murdered by her husband and the effect it had on him. Cube also described an incident where he almost committed a murder himself.
The NWA member recalled a situation where he and a group of others planned on killing a neighbor and classmate who conned his mother out of $20. He explained that the neighbor was on drugs and the only reason he didn't go through with the crime was that the classmate wasn't home.
"Somebody I knew and went to school with -- who we knew was heavy on drugs -- had went around to my house and gave my mother some cockamamie story, so she gave him $20, and I was so mad," Ice Cube said. "You violated me and my family because you knew you wasn't ever going to give that $20 back. So, me and friends was going around the corner to kill him, and he wasn't home. Thank God. Thank God he wasn't home. We were young and we was mad and we had a weapon and it was going to happen."
Ice Cube acknowledged that the decision to kill a man over $20 would have been a poor choice and would have prevented him from becoming the success he became. Check out the rest of the clip to hear Ice Cube describe his upbringing in Compton and attending school outside of the neighborhood.