Part 3: Anthony Ruggiano on Dad Predicting Gotti Would Be Boss & Die in Prison
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Part 1: Anthony Ruggiano on Being a 2nd-Generation Hitman, Did Hits with Dad


In the latest clip, Anthony Ruggiano described his childhood interactions with his father. He talked about not knowing what his father did for a living until he was nearing his teenage years. He explained that whenever he went to frequent hang out spots, people whispered and pointed him out as Fat Andy's son. He also described his dad taking him around social clubs and introducing him to John Gotti. After Ruggiano was suspended indefinitely from school at 16, he expressed to his father and uncle that he wanted to work for his father. Despite his father warning him that jail was apart of the job, Ruggiano accepted the risk and admitted that he was often arrested as a way for cops to get closer to his father.

Ruggiano also talked about catching a drug trafficking charge at 23 years old. After decribing his operation, he explained that he didn't go to prison until two years after he was convicted because he was out on an appeal bail. Ruggiano noted that because of who his father was, he always received the longest sentence and was sent to the worst prisons for his crimes. However, for that same reason, he was often comfortable in prison. Check out the above clip to hear Anthony Ruggiano explain why his father moved to Miami after his release for the drug trafficking charge.