Louisiana State Representative C. Denise Marcelle gave R. Kelly a key to the city of Baton Rouge in 2013 when she was a member of Baton Rouge Metro Council.

Now, after Kelly was found guilty on all counts in his federal sex crimes trial earlier this week, Marcelle says she regrets giving him the key. According to TMZ, Marcelle isn't physically taking the plaque and key, which cost around $256, from Kelly, but he will be stripped of the honor. Marcelle reportedly told TMZ that she knew R. Kelly had been acquitted on similar charges in 2008, but she added that she didn't do her homework before presenting R. Kelly with a key to the city. 

Following the guilty verdict in his trial, R. Kelly is now facing a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and up to life in prison.

At the close of his trial in Brooklyn, Acting United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Jacquelyn M. Kasulis, stated, "Today’s guilty verdict forever brands R. Kelly as a predator, who used his fame and fortune to prey on the young, the vulnerable, and the voiceless for his own sexual gratification. A predator who used his inner circle to ensnare underage teenage girls, and young women and men, for decades, in a sordid web of sex abuse, exploitation, and degradation." 

Source: TMZ