Kodak Black previously went viral after a video surfaced of him touching his mother’s butt while at a party. Many people seemed disturbed by the footage, including Punch of TDE. Now, the Florida rapper has taken to the internet to address the video and explain what happened.
While on IG Live, the rapper went on to say, “When I see my mama, homie, I adore her, homie. I kiss her feet, homie, what you talkin’ bout boy.” He continued saying, “She ain’t trippin’. I don’t give a fuck what you talkin’ bout, n***a… I grabbed my mama because I treat my mama like my lady, n***a. That’s my queen, n***a.” Kodak concluded by saying, “I don’t f**k my mama, we ain’t doin’ no crazy s**t. I grab her, like I make her feel real beautiful. I remind my mama, ‘You beautiful, I’m f**ked up bout you ma, I’m in love with you.’” Take a look above.