Recently, Marshawn Lynch made an appearance on ‘Monday Night Football,’ where he was a guest commentator with Peyton Manning for the ‘Manningcast.’ During the cast, the Seattle Seahawks were facing off against the Saints, and one of the plays shocked Lynch so much, that he expressed the shock in a colorful way.

Manning previously had to apologize for his brother giving the middle finger during the broadcast, and now it appears Marshawn Lynch slipped up by saying “f**k.” The play in question happened in the first quarter and found the Seahawks unexpectedly snapping the ball. As a result, everyone on the screen said, “Oh!,” while Lynch could be heard saying, “What the f**k?” Upon realizing what he said, Lynch cleaned up his statement by saying, “I mean..”

Later on, in the show, Peyton Manning apologized for the language, as Lynch cursed more throughout the broadcast. Watch above.

source: TMZ