In September 2021, an accuser of Marilyn Manson reportedly refiled their lawsuit after a judge dismissed it. The sexual assault suit was dismissed because the statute of limitations for the accuser had passed. Now, Manson is reportedly facing a new set of accusations.

The rock star is facing allegations that stem from statements made on the record to Rolling Stone, claiming that he had a small corner booth in his Hollywood apartment, where he would allegedly throw women into and lock them up for hours. The article reportedly referred to the room as the ‘Bad Girls Room,’ and a former assistant for the act told Rolling Stone it was common knowledge the room was real. However, they noted they never saw any women locked inside.

Women who were interviewed for the article claim a lot of the accusations filed went down at Manson’s apartment where the corner was located. The apartment was reportedly described as a “meat locker” and “black refrigerator” due to how cold and dark the place was at all times. Stay tuned for more updates.

source: TMZ