Previously, Madonna took to Instagram to post thirst trap photos, which she says were taken down due to Instagram’s nudity policy. The singer went on to post the pictures again, this time explaining why she thinks the platform pulled her photos that showed black lingerie. Since then, 50 Cent has reposted the images, taking the time to troll the 63-year-old singer.
Via IG, 50 reposted Madonna’s photos along with the caption, “Yo this the funniest s**t! LOL. That’s Madonna under the bed trying to do like a virgin at 63.” He didn’t stop there though, as he continued saying, “She shot out, if she don’t get her old a** up. LMFAO.” The TV showrunner then posted another meme of Madonna on a yellow brick road from ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ saying, “STARZ ask me to do a remake. I said only if Madonna is gonna play the role because I need star power and sex appeal in this one.” Take a look above.