Faizon Love returned to VladTV for a special Halloween interview. The comedian conducted a portion of his recent sit-down as his famous "Big Worm" character. Acting as Big Worm, Faizon Love detailed the character's life before and after the events of the "Friday" film. Once he finally broke out of character, the actor and comedian gave his reaction to the third installment of the Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury trilogy before commenting on OT Genasis wanting to fight Lamar Odom in a celebrity match. He addressed former Las Vegas Raiders coach Jon Gruden having his racist emails exposed, Dave Chappelle's "The Closer," Lil Nas X, and Bill Cosby's release from prison. Faizon Love also talked about R. Kelly's guilty verdict, Charleston White's thoughts about gangs, Barack Obama's presidency, and much more.
EXCLUSIVE: Big Worm / Faizon Love on Friday, AJ Johnson, Gabrielle Union, Katt (Full)
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