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Part 6: FBG Duck's Mom Doesn't Want Duck's Murderers to Get Death Penalty
Part 4: FBG Duck's Mom on Getting the Call that Duck's 5 Alleged Killers Arrested
Part 1: FBG Duck's Mom was Hurt by King Von's Death, Regardless of Beef
In this clip, FBG's mother, LaSheena Weekly, started out by reacting to the men arrested in connection with the death of her son. She said that it's clear from the information that has come out so far, they were going to get FBG Ducky by any means necessary. Weekly went on to speak about her son dissing a relative of one of the suspects, and she explained how it wasn't worth it because everyone lost in the end. She also spoke about the woman who was with FBG Duck during the shooting, and LaSheena revealed that she was licensed to carry a firearm. To hear more, hit the above clip.