Recently, Soulja Boy took to Twitter to call out Twitch after being banned from the platform. The rapper mentioned the CEO as well, saying, “Who is the CEO of twitch and where can I find this n***a at” before saying Twitch is racist. Along with that, he called for a boycott of the platform.

The rapper gave some background behind his thoughts in another tweet by saying, “I need the best lawyer money can buy DM I got millions, I wanna sue twitch I feel like they racist they ban me without no explanation I will not stand for this.”

However, the rapper has changed his tune since going off on Twitter. Soulja Boy went on to say, “Just spoke with Twitch, I would like to send an apology to the entire staff and community. It’s their decision let’s just see what happens. Thanks for your support πŸ™πŸΎπŸ’―.”