Young Thug has used 2021 to propel his career to the highest it has been since he dropped, as the rapper released his widely-accepted ‘Punk’ album in October, which went number one on the charts. While speaking to i-D, the rapper revealed a part of a process that helped him achieve success, with the rapper saying he doesn’t write down his lyrics.
Thugger went on to say, “I’ve never written a lyric. Ever. I really haven’t. I kind of just freestyle. I just go with it as it comes. I never really wrote anything down. I’m not patient enough to sit and write. It just takes a lot of my day.” The rapper gave more detail as to when he could possibly sit down and write, saying, “Only time I’ve had the time to write lyrics down is when I’ve been incarcerated. Even if I just have to go to jail for a day or something. I don’t like writing and that’s the only way I can write; if I just got time on my hands and there’s nothing in the world I could do.” Take a look above.