On Christmas eve of 2019, a hairstylist named Kevin Bacon arrived on the doorstep of Matt Latunski's house in Bennington Town, Michigan. This was meant to be their first date, upon meeting one another on a dating site called Grindr.
According to multiple reports, Kevin Bacon was made fully aware of Matt Latunski's penchant for violent sexual behavior. Still, even he could not have predicted what would ensue after the start of their evening together. According to court documents, the 25-year-old was brutally murdered in a heinous act of assault and cannibalism. Kevin Bacon was found three days later, hanging from the ceiling of Matt Lutnkski's basement, by his ankles.
Not only was the victim dead, but part of his testicles had been cut off and eaten by the assailant. Investigators reported that Matt Latunski stabbed his victim, removed several of his body parts, and consumed them in the days that followed. When Kevin Bacon's father learned about the details of his son's assassination, he was understandably distraught. Nevertheless, he paid tribute to his son by illustrating the happiness that he brought to his life while he was alive.
"It's gut-wrenching to hear the details and we're beside ourselves," said Karl Bacon.
"I'm going to remember him how everyone else remembers him, that he's a good person who was passionate and cares for people."
It was just announced that Matt Latunski is expected to re-appear in court early next year so that this case can finally reach a conclusion. His lawyer has stated that he plans to file for insanity plea on behalf of his client.
For more news on this development, keep it locked right here.
Source: New York Post