Jay-Z and Team Roc have been doing the work to fight for the rights of prisoners as well as helping with resolving unjust conditions in prisons. Now, it appears Hov and Team Roc have another issue, as Jay-Z is reportedly heated at the feds about their refusal to release a man who served 14 years for marijuana. One of the government’s reasons for reportedly holding the man is due to a leftover chicken dinner.

Team Roc is reportedly defending Valon Vailes, who has been serving 20 years in prison for intent to distribute over a ton of marijuana. Vailes reached out to Jay-Z last year to get help on his case, but it was noted that the feds wouldn’t make a move due to some minor offenses.

Alex Spiro—a Team Roc attorney, says Vailes meets the terms to be let go on a compassionate release, but court documents say federal prosecutors won’t let Vailes leave because he allegedly snuck leftover chicken from the mess hall to his prison cell. Along with that, the prisoner was cited for using his prison fit as “workout equipment.” Spiro made it clear Team Roc is pushing to get a federal judge to reduce Vailes’ sentence to time served, along with a prompt release.

source: TMZ