Kanye West recently shared the track “Eazy,” which featured artwork that shows off a skinned monkey. The track was teased after a snippet leaked online featuring bars from West saying he would beat Pete Davidson’s a**. Since then, the rapper has faced backlash for the cover art, mainly from PETA.
The animal rights organization wrote a statement on social media about West’s art, saying, “The disturbing image of a skinned monkey that @kanyewest shared serves as a reminder that there’s no real difference between humans and other animals.” They didn’t stop there, as the organization went on to say, “Their lives aren’t easy when we abuse and kill them for food, experiments, clothing, or entertainment — they’re not ours to abuse for any reason. #EndSpeciesism.”
The caption on the photo drew more attention to West’s art, saying, “When you remove the fur, you can’t miss that there’s a being in there.” Take a look above.